
It's difficult not to get too excited too quickly, but this week has been my best week in ages. It began on Monday, Tuesday...

Years ago, I had thought I might be gluten-intolerant, maybe have Caeliac's disease or something. However, all the tests ruled that out, and I've never really found any relief in gluten-free products. But I've never, ever questioned the category generally of carbs. Until now.

In my previous post I began to sketch why the FODMAP process can be unhelpful, the big realisation being that cheese, no matter how little lactose it has left in it, has just the same impact on Casein intolerances (I have a detailed post about this in my drafts, coming soon). Since then, and on the plus side, I have noticed that apple purée appears ok and so do cooked onion and garlic. I can also generally eat more fruit than the FODMAP diet advises.

Perhaps I'll be able to reintroduce later, but I'm currently down to a tiny sprinkle of carbs at some meals, and, while not dropping the map I have been drawing myself (avoidance of egg-whites, dairy products, quinoa, linseed, Xanthan and Agar gums), I have been able to eat a lot more food basically, and the proteins and fats are going in easier too. Drinking lots remains essential for me too.

I think the problem again is a psychological one. If it is deeply built into your thinking that a certain meal like breakfast has to have a carb focus, then you can spend a phenomenal amount of effort trying to recalibrate the type of carb before realising that this is not getting your gut off to a good start. Even a small sprinkling of rice-flakes wasn't ideal for me this morning, but I still had a large breakfast and lamb and roasted veg leftovers for lunch with a bag of iceberg lettuce (my new crisps, complete with locally produced olive oil, soya sauce and pepper).

I'm not sorted yet, but it's been a big step and helps me make much more sense of my own experiences, unpolluted by well-intentioned, external solutions. 


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