Go slow on the experimentation phase!

Hi folks, just a quick note to share a hard lesson I've been learning recently about experimentation. If I look back about a week or so ago after a "good run", I was starting to feel a bit more confident in trying out some things I felt I really should test. These included pureed apple and soy yoghurts. I did experiments of both within a 2 day period. Combine that with some stress around birthday, an important midweek meeting to do with work, and some anxiety about a deeply personal issue of faith and I was all set for a deeper level of gut instability and suffering that can no longer be traced to food item A B or C.

Don't do it! Also comma consider limiting experimentation to maybe two new items per week and integrate good conditions that are necessary for successful experimentation on a very sensitive gut, such as sleep and peacefulness. Be patient, we have all our lives to work out these details.

Thanks for reading.


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